Thursday, 24 July 2014

Summer's excitements, nostalgias and moustaches

Summer. The interlude of cookery - when we mortals get cooked. It is a time too hot for really motoring through the tasks of life. Sweat is your new friend. Your shower is your enemy, and you tussle more often than usual.

This summer, I find myself somewhere between excitement and nostalgia. It may well be this is no great news. Perhaps it should simply be described as my default position.

Excitement: I always carry hope in my naive mind, when considering what may be my next major steps in my humble life. Will I succeed in the final year of my Music degree? Will my Organ/percussion composition (which I will write in semester 2) be a source of originality, beauty or poignancy? Will I start, continue then finish my dissertation (a study of the language of music) to a point which leaves me the writer sated by the fruits of my intrigue, and you the reader, excited by the simple findings of an ignoramus? Will I meet a woman with whom I think I could consider getting better acquainted? Will I move? We all have these questions. Well, some women don't, and those married men out there shouldn't.

Nostalgia: well, it's a daily phenomenon in my experience. I see a typical English scene: evening sun casting a warm glow over a pretty pub front, some genus of greenery clinging happily to every surface apart from doors, windows and Pub sign. A few jolly (and some not so) folk drink some intoxicating brew with quiet relish and take turns trying to make each giggle or swoon. It's all just part of what I call the stuff of happiness, and almost always carries with it the edge of what I cannot continue to enjoy forever. We all gotta go sometime. We probably mostly hope we get a good innings first, and that we make the most of said opportunity. Most of us won't. I'm not saying we'll fail - just that we'll go through ups and downs of 'success' and 'failure', whatever they mean. We hope the ups are longer and wider than the downs. Depressed yet?

On a more practical note, I have been writing and playing music. That has been great fun. Losing my television to a minor explosion in March was for the best. I haven't replaced it yet, and am not going to for a while at least. The result is I do the things I usually only dream of doing. I'm not claiming to be Germanic in my level of industry but I am doing much more than before, and it's satisfying. NB don't attempt to blow up your own tv. Maybe just turn it off sometimes if you watch way too much (which I used to).

that's my news. Here's a photo of the chaps I've known almost the longest (family and Moxon's not included). It was taken at Paul and Julie's birthday party, where we performed 5 rock and roll numbers: